Lirik + Translation Da Sheng Shou Ai Wo (Ending HSDS 2003)

by - September 08, 2014

ohh ya.. Kalian tau gak serial wuxia? (kayak sejenis film silat tapi dari mandarin). aku suka banget Trilogi Pendekar Pemanah Rajawali. Nah, trilogi ini yaitu : LOCH (Legend of Condor Heroes), ROCH (Return of Codor Heroes), sama HSDS (Heavenly Sword And Dragon Sabre). Namun, akhir-akhir ini aku lagi demam ama HSDS.. tp HSDS yang versi 2003. HSDS yang versi 2003 ini pernah disiarkan di stasiun tv swasta Indonesia.. waktu itu aku masih kls 6 SD, skitar tahun 2012'an lah... 

aku suka sama lagi OST'nya.. yang paling aku suka yang Endingnya versi taiwan (HSDS 2003 ada 2 versi OST, versi cina sama taiwan). 
Judulnya : Da Sheng Shou Ai Wo
Penyanyi : Liu Yi Chun
Bagi kalian yang mau liriknya ini dia :

(Tulisan Latin)
zhan zai jie tou wang zhi yuan fang deng huo
ming mie shan shuo xiang zai di xing zhi wo
lai lai wang wang de ren qun zhi zhong
you duo shao ge xin zai hei ye fu dong

fan xing dian dian dao do nei ge shi wo
er ni shi fou ye zai hao han xing gong
bu ting zhuan dong shou zai wo de shen hou
tian zhang di jiu dao shi jian jin tou

zhi yao da sheng shuo ai wo
shuo yuan pei zai wo zuo you
wo hui xiao zhi shuo ni jiang shi wo de gang kou
zhi yao ni da sheng shuo ni yong yuan ai wo
ni hui fa xian you wo mei yi fen zhong

(original lirik & english translation)

站在 街头望着远方灯火/Standing on the street staring off at the lights in the distance 

明灭 闪烁像在提醒着我/The shining ash flickers, as though reminding me 
来来往往的人群之中/In the droves of people coming and going 
有多少颗星在黑夜 浮动/how many stars are floating in the darkness 

繁星 点点到底哪颗是我/in a multitude of stars, searching through them all*, which one is me 
而你 是否也在浩瀚星空/while you, [are you] also somewhere in that endless starry sky 
不停转动 守在我的身后/ceaselessly turning [revolving], keeping watch behind me [over me] 
天长地久 到世界尽头/eternally* until the end of time 

只要大声说爱我 说愿陪在我左右/[you] only have to say aloud* that you love me, say [you are] willing to stay by me 
我会笑着说 你将是我的港口/I will say laughingly, you will be my [safe] harbour 
只要你大声说 你永远爱我/you only have to say aloud that you will love me forever 
你会发现有我 每一分钟/you will find you have my every minute 

繁星 点点到底哪颗是我/ in a multitude of stars, searching through them all, which one is me 
而你 是否也在浩瀚星空/while you, [are you] also somewhere in that endless starry sky 
不停转动 守在我的身后/ceaselessly revolving, keeping watch behind me 
天长地久 到世界尽头/eternally* until the end of time 
只要大声说爱我 说愿陪在我左右/[you] only have to say aloud that you love me, say [you are] willing to stay by me 
我会笑着说 你将是我的港口/I will say laughingly, you will be my [safe] harbour 
只要你大声说 你永远爱我/you only have to say aloud that you will love me forever 
你会发现有我 每一分钟/you will find you have my every minute 

Words in brackets do not appear in the source text, and are included to explain what a Chinese speaker infers upon reading/hearing it. 

1"da sheng shuo..." can mean either "to say aloud" or "to say loudly" Chinese doesn't differentiate for some reason. I've chosen the first translation. Translators made the unlikely choice of "Louder Than Words" for the official English title. 

2"dian dian" means literally, to press with the finger, in the sense of picking, or choosing among. I dropped this since I couldn't make it fit with the phrase and reduplicated "searching" instead. 

3"tian chang di jiu" is a set phrase that means "as long as the heavens and earth [last/have lasted]" which I loosely translated as "eternally". Similarly, "shi jie jintou" means literally "the end of the *world*",not "the end of time" but m'eh, I think "time" fits better.

source : yahoo answer *mkshh buat orang yang udah jawab pertanyaannya ^_^*

itu dulu yaaaaa..... smoga bermanfaat

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5 komentar

  1. Wah aku juga suka sama heavenly sword and dragon sabre. Character Zhang wu Ji dan Minmin bikin baper 😂. Aku cari diyoutube serial 2003nya tpi sub teks indonya bnyk yg ngawur. But i like your post.

    1. hehe, emg susah nyari yang sub indo.
      aku nontonnya pake english sub:D
      Btw, Thankyou sudah mampir di blogku :)

  2. Ak dah lama bat cari judul lagu ini,kan ost nya banyak tuh,yg plg ak suka tuh ini,inget nada ny tapi nggatau liriknya😁serasa kek org bodoh seakan" ngarang" lagu sendiri😂maklum dulu masih kecil bat nntn ni film.akhirnya baru aj ak tau nih lagu,terharu Yaallah😭

    1. Bermanfaat bat postingan😭

    2. Hallo, terima kasih banyak sudah berkunjung ke blog aku. Wkwk mari bernostalgia ke masa kecil dulu. Btw ini juga ost fav aku
